Welcome to WoodChic, where innovation, design, and sheer beauty converge to redefine the world of flooring. For 18 years,we've set the standard, not merely following trends but crafting them. Our philosophy? Originality over imitation, innovation over conformity.


Our partnerships with esteemed flooring designers from Europe and the U.S. transcend ordinary products; they birth masterpieces.Within our collection, our leadership in Hardwood flooring stands as a pinnacle of timeless elegance and natural allure. Crafted from the finest wood by artisans, each plank narrates its own story,infusing spaces with sophistication and warmth. Our Rigid Core flooring offers a testament to durability and design, providing a resilient foundation for any space. And then there's our Loose Lay flooring, a versatile option that redefines convenience without compromising style. Its effortless installation coupled with a diverse range of designs ensures a seamless blend of practicality and aesthetics, allowing creativity to flourish in any environment.In each category, we don't merely follow trends; we ignite them,shaping the industry's trajectory with innovation and ingenuity.



Behind every WoodChic creation lies an exceptional team-a convergence of visionary designers, state-of-the-art manufacturing partners spanning North America, Europe, and Asia, and a global quality control force on the ground of every plant ensuring excellence. Our responsive operations team stands ready,ensuring seamless support for our valued customers.

Strategic inventory locations in the U.S., Mexico, and Asia ensure swift, on-time delivery, facilitating seamless project execution.We prioritize your timelines, delivering excellence at your doorstep.